Sunday, September 29, 2013

#131 Jim Clancy, Blue Jays

Card Front: Jim says look at me ladies, I'm looking fine with my big hair and 'stache. I know most people are glad to be away from pullovers and double knits. I think that the powder blue of Toronto is such a classic, especially against the red seats of Cleveland Stadium(?). I'm glad that the Jays have finally gone back to a new logo that is similar to the original.
Card Back: Ahh, the beginnings of a long career. It is always fun to see minor league stats and have to look up where some places are. I don't think that a team would acquire a player on the advice of a coach who played against a player in minors nowadays. It is unusual to see a team like the White Sox use four pinch runners in a single inning.
Six degrees or less to Seattle: During Jim's rookie campaign of 1977, he would wave the maple leaf for Toronto with Phil Roof. Phil was a man that would see time in many places including a stint as a Cleveland Indian in 1965 with Dick Donovan. If you hit the rewind button to ten years earlier, Dick spend time teaming up with Jim Busby on the 1955 version of the Chicago White Sox. Jim was part of Darrell Johnson's coaching staff in 1977 and 1978 for the original Mariners.
Next Card: #132 Rowland Office, Braves

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